School what I want...
23/08/2022 14:41School what I want
23/08/2022 14:39“No pineapple on Pizza!” / Žiadny ananás na pizzu!
15/01/2020 17:44
“No pineapple on Pizza!” / Žiadny ananás na pizzu!
Každoročne sa žiaci našej školy zapájajú do medzinárodných projektov eTwinning. Tento rok si spolu s partnerskou školou v Talianku zvolili environmentálnu tému o recyklácii a redukcii používania plastov. Making plastic...
Making Plastic Circular: Zero Plastic Objective
09/05/2019 08:32
This year we work again at our eTwinning project. This year it is about Plastics. We work together with Italian school. Let´s have a look!
Tento rok znova pracujeme na projekte eTwinning. Vybrali sme si tému plasty a spolupracujeme so školou v Taliansku. Pozrite sa ako nám to...
Jazykový kvet v Košiciach
02/03/2017 09:58
Dňa 28.2.2017 sa žiaci našej školy zúčastnili krajského semifinále súťaže Jazykový kvet v Košiciach. Žiaci prvého stupňa Federica Pagano, Matej Gamráč, Oskar Šenitko a Ivana Savovová postúpili v kategórií próza – prevzatá tvorba do krajského finále. Taktiež dvanásť žiakov...
Trip to LONDON
20/10/2015 19:59
As every year our school has organized trip to London. This year it will be from 5th till 10th May 2016
If you are interested click here for more information.
We look forward to take a trip with you!
EnglishOne competition
14/10/2015 18:53
Hello everyone!
There is one competition for you. You can win fantastic rewards like Celeste Buckingham lesson and concert, tablets, heaphones etc.
If you are interested in this competition follow these steps (written in Slovak, just for sure ;-)
• KLIKNITE na na odkaz...
Flat Slanley in 2.D
13/04/2015 19:21
Flat slanley from Anna Vojtkova
22/03/2015 19:11
We have one foreign visitor in our school. His name is Stanley and he is flat. He came here from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in United States.
Are you asking why he is flat?
Stanley Lambchop and his younger brother Arthur are given a big bulletin board by their father to display...
success of students success of teacher
09/03/2015 18:50
Teacher of the month!
Your English Teacher was awarded as teacher of the month by etwinning with project "Water is life".
The Teacher of the month award was given to Mgr. Anna Bardzaková