When older teach younger
12/02/2015 19:54
We want to share our knowledge and we have decided to teach our younger schoolmates what have we learnt. We started today, we taught them what the water cycle is, how it works, why it works and its importance. We also sang the cool water cycle song :
Water cycle in 2.D from Anna...
English lesson is always interesting!
12/02/2015 19:33
We decided to create something special and do different things during English lessons. We cooperate with students in Italy. Our topic is interesting and important:
Are you curious? This is the sample of our work
Check our project...
Great success
25/01/2015 18:30
District olympiad in English
01/14/2015 attended 33 students from 18 primary schools and 1 high school District Round Olympics in English.
Congratulations to our students who took the first place in both categories and will represent us in the regional round.
Timothy Suč...
01/01/2015 13:26
Hello students :-)
All English teachers are wishing you and your families to have never ending happiness and prosperity.
More blessing to come this coming new year.
Only good marks and enthusiasm for studying not only English!
Happy new year and all the best!
Your English teachers
11/12/2014 16:31
Well done!
Dňa 11. decembra sa na našej škole uskutočnilo školské kolo olympiády z anglického jazyka. Žiaci si v dvoch kategóriách overili svoje vedomosti z gramatiky, slovnej zásoby a rozprávania. Všetci zúčastnení ukázali výborné vedomosti v anglickom jazyku. Tí,...
Language Flower - Jazykový kvet
04/12/2014 16:00
Dnes sa na našej škole uskutočnilo školské kolo postupovej recitačnej súťaže "Language Flower - Jazykový kvet". Pod záštitou učiteľov anglického jazyka žiaci a žiačky recitovali poéziu i prózu v anglickom jazyku. Všetkým zúčastneným išlo recitovanie výborne a najlepší budú našu školu...
School magazine!
12/11/2014 15:29
New issue of the magazine is here. You can buy it in office of Slovak language teachers. In magazine you can find new English column.
It´s written in English and you will find there special activities, jokes, crossword, poem and much more.
Have fun!
Language Flower - school contest
12/11/2014 15:16
Language Flower
"Language Flower" is a national accredited promotion competition in foreign languages in two branches Poetry & prose and Drama.
If you are interested check this site
We have our school competition in...
Visitors notice
02/11/2014 16:50
We want to let our visitors know about news and events on our website as often as possible. We are going to do our best to keep our website up-to-date so that visitors will get used to visiting our pages regularly.
Website launched
02/11/2014 16:49
Our new website has been launched today.
We have started a new website for you. You can find here a lot of interensting and useful information. Our goals are to share and provide news about English at our school.